Tuesday, September 8, 2015


George got his novice titles while I was using a scooter.  Last winter, I knew I couldn't go any further with him on a scooter so  I tried running with him and I'm still paying the price for that.  Other than buying a $30,000 wheelchair which would allow for the speed and turning radius I need for agility, I had to find another solution because he is too good not to take him as far as he can go.   And then I met Liz Fortna Rowe of  Buddington Cavaliers this spring.  In this one summer George had gone from Novice level in Canada and the U.S to Masters Level in both countries.  His running time has almost tripled.  I will still do the training along with Liz, but she is running him in the trials.  To say that I am pleased with the results is an understatement.  Now on to training Charo and EB (the new puppy from my last litter).  

They will  all compete in Rally as well where George is at the Excellent level.  It's so much fun.   I wish all  my puppy people had time to train in this type of obedience.  It makes for wonderful dogs.