Monday, July 27, 2015

American/Canadian CH Sonrisas George R Us RA AgXJ AgX CGN

So what do those initials mean besides hours and hours of training?  The CH in front of his name means he's a conformation champion in both the U.S. and Canada and he did this by 8 months of age. The RA mean he has a Rally Advanced title and is ready to compete at the excellent level.  He is ready, I just haven't had the time to compete him.  The AgXJ and AgX means he is competing at the masters level in agility and last weekend showed he's ready for it.  He had an average run time of 3.6 yards per second and topped off at 4.3 yards per second in his last run of the weekend down in Erie Pennsylvania where he has very similar titles to his Canadian ones.  This dog just loves to be with people and interact with them.  To say that I am thrilled with George is simply not enough.

Needless to say, at 73 I can't run 4 yards/second so Liz Rowe (below with George) runs him for me.  I am so grateful that she was willing to spend the time to win George over and now he has two moms and for a  dog as loving as George that's good news.