Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Am/Can CH Sonrisas Mis Con Geni Ali T

Can/AM CH Sonrisas’ Mis Con Geni Ali T ROM
Ali - August 2003 to 2014
It is with a great deal of sadness that we learned of Ali’s passing as a result of a coyote attack. Fortunately, her grandson Dash managed to avoid the same result.
Ali’s greatest achievement was earning her Platinum Health Award at the age of seven and we expected for her to have many, many years left. Ali was mother to multiple Am/Can champions as well as Am/Can CH BG’s Salix LAPPONUM (Willow)(picture below), CAN CH Sonrisas Lil Pawz Koko CGN CDX RAE AgXs (picture), Sonrisas Picture Perfect Jpeg (picture), grand dam to Sonrisas Bubba O’Riley CGN RN AgJ AgN and Am CH Sonrisas Allegro Giocoso BN RA THD CGC (picture) who are still very much a part of our lives.
Ali was an extraordinary dog in so many ways and in a way her death was almost a reflection of her life. We use to call her our feral dog since, contrary to most Havanese, she always preferred to be outside no matter what the weather. Many times I donned an umbrella in order to carry her into the house in pouring rain, and she would refuse to come in when it snowed no matter how cold. She tried desperately to have her litters outside and would begin digging her den under the porch steps and have it ready for the birth weeks before the babies were due. As soon as the puppies were old enough to go outside, once they had played themselves into exhaustion, she would take them to her den and that is where they would all cuddle with mom and fall asleep.
Goodbye my sweet, sweet Ali, may you have huge open fields for running, bushes to hide under and soft earth for your den.