Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I've ordered a copy of the separation anxiety book for everyone so if you come for a visit before taking your puppy home, please remember to take a copy home with you.  It's always best to read up before taking the puppy so you can organize what you have read and decide how you are going to apply the suggestions that the author makes.  Also, if you come for a visit please bring a small, newly washed blanket or towel  with you.  After washing please have your family members handle the blanket with newly washed hands so that the puppies will be exposed to your family odours.  Washing is extremely important because of the danger of introducing the parvo virus.  Place the blanket in a clean plastic bag and bring it with you for your visit.  Just before you come to pick up your puppy I'll reverse the process and have the odours of mom, brothers and sisters, plus Willard and me on the blanket.

I'm getting exciting about bringing the puppies out to the living room and getting them playing with some of the new puppy toys I have for them.